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The Digital Revolution in the Construction Sector: BIM Will Be Mandatory from 2025

The landscape of engineering and architecture in Italy is projected towards an epochal transformation with the entry into force of the mandatory adoption of Building Information Modeling (BIM) for all engineering and architectural contracts over one million euros, starting from 2025.


The landscape of engineering and architecture in Italy is projected towards an epochal transformation with the entry into force of the mandatory adoption of Building Information Modeling (BIM) for all engineering and architectural contracts over one million euros, starting from 2025. This regulatory imperative not only represents a crucial step towards the modernization of the industry, but implies an unprecedented conceptual and operational revolution.

The Path To The Future: Two Distinct Tracks

The process for mandatory BIM is divided into two distinct paths. On the one hand, state-of-the-art contracting authorities are emerging, already part of an operational context where BIM is a consolidated practice. These entities have made substantial investments in terms of training and organization, integrating BIM into decision-making and design processes. On the other hand, contracting authorities are emerging that still have to undergo a profound transformation to adapt to the new digital standards, being able to perceive this transition as an opportunity for growth.

The Exponential Growth of BIM: Data and Trends

The recent BIM Adoption Report, compiled by OICE, highlights an exponentially growing trend in the adoption of BIM in tenders in 2023. Although the numbers suggest a significant increase in BIM contracts, it is important to consider that the absolute volume of tenders may vary due to external factors, such as legislative changes in the field of public procurement.

BIM Investment and Adoption: A Rising Trend

The implementation of BIM is accompanied by substantial investments in innovation. The data collected during the latest survey conducted by OICE suggest that 90% of companies in the sector allocated financial resources to innovation in 2022, with a significant part of these investments (24.3%) directed towards BIM software. However, a critical issue has emerged regarding the increase in the cost of BIM licenses, reported by 57.9% of companies in 2023, which could represent an obstacle to the large-scale deployment of this technology.

BIM Adoption Obligation: What Changes for the Future of Construction

The entry into force of the new procurement code, sanctioned by Legislative Decree 36/2023, represents an epochal turning point in the evolution of the construction sector. The mandatory use of BIM for orders over one million euros starting from 1 January 2025 requires a radical change in the decision-making and operational processes of contracting authorities and granting bodies. This regulatory provision underlines the crucial importance of digitalisation in the context of construction information management and sets a new standard of quality and transparency in the sector.

Preparing for the Future: Training and Innovation

The need to adequately prepare for mandatory BIM requires a firm commitment from all those involved in the construction process. It is imperative to invest in specialized training, as well as state-of-the-art hardware and software infrastructure, in order to ensure an effective transition to digital. The quality of the staff and the level of competence are critical factors for the success of this transition, which, if faced with determination and foresight, can open the door to new opportunities for growth and development for the sector.


The mandatory nature of BIM marks an epochal turning point in the construction landscape, outlining a future in which digitization becomes the new operating standard. While the challenges are many, the opportunities for growth and innovation offered by this transformation are equally significant and drive the industry towards an increasingly promising and dynamic digital future.

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