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On-Site Exchange and Dedicated Withdrawal

Energy Services Manager (GSE) retrieves excess renewable energy produced by photovoltaic plants through the Dedicated Withdrawal (RID) or On-Site Exchange (SSP).

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Energy Services Manager (GSE) retrieves excess renewable energy produced by photovoltaic plants through the Dedicated Withdrawal (RID) or On-Site Exchange (SSP).

The GSE is a company owned by the Ministry of Economy and Finance with the task of promoting the rational use of energy and its sustainable development.

The Energy Services Manager (GSE) issues the authorizations and certifications necessary to obtain the economic benefits derived from surplus renewable energy production.


On-Site Exchange is designed as an incentive to reward energy fed back into the grid.

This type of contract allows excess energy, beyond one's own needs, to be sold back and reimbursed.

It is a reimbursement that values the produced energy and encourages the choice of solar thermal systems as a renewable energy source.

Users are paid an average of about 16 cents per KW fed back into the grid.

The On-Site Exchange is a compensation mechanism between injections and withdrawals.


This contract stipulates that surplus energy stored in the grid is reimbursed directly on the bill by the GSE, an intermediary between the energy market and the energy producer.

The excess energy is reimbursed regardless of the amount of energy consumed.

Electricity is sold and purchased by the Energy Services Manager (GSE) and later fed back into the energy market.

Prices for withdrawal by the GSE are set by the Energy Authority and correspond to the hourly zonal price. Sales must be taxed.

The Dedicated Withdrawal is a mechanism for selling energy.


Starting in 2024, On-Site Exchange will no longer be applied, making way for Dedicated Withdrawal with the aim of encouraging ties with Renewable Energy Communities (CER).

In Renewable Energy Communities, in fact, Dedicated Withdrawal is the only regime currently provided for the remuneration of electricity produced, not self-consumed, and fed into the grid.


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