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CO2 Capture Systems

To avoid exceeding the threshold set by the Paris Agreement and prevent worse climate change, the presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere must be reduced through CO2 capture technologies.

Sistemi di cattura CO2

A cosa servono i sistemi di cattura CO2

To avoid exceeding the threshold set by the Paris Agreement and prevent worse climate change, the presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere must be reduced through CO2 capture technologies.

Excess carbon dioxide is mainly responsible for climate change and rising temperatures.

We need to treat and requalify CO2, enhancing it.

We must therefore rethink the traditional use of fossil fuels, the main generators of carbon dioxide.

The solutions to this problem are new processes that retain and recover carbon dioxide and then store or recover it.

Carbon dioxide can then be removed or absorbed.

How to remove CO2?

There are various methods of removing carbon dioxide:

  • Natural removal
    Harnesses the power of plants and trees to remove CO2 from the air through reforestation processes or by operating directly on filtered air;
  • Technological removal
    Mimics the natural processes of photosynthesis;
  • Ocean removal
    Oceans absorb CO2. In the long term, the oceans change their pH, becoming more acidic and less conducive to life.

CO2 capture methods

  • Physical absorption
    It involves the temporary entrapment of CO₂ molecules inside porous structures or microscopic metal-organic sponges;
  • Chemical
    absorption The process takes place through solvents: the gases are purified by chemical absorption of carbon dioxide by solvents. CO2 creates bonds with a special substrate.

Sistemi di cattura co2

Carbon dioxide reuse

CCS and CCU technologies are some of the many nuances of the decarbonisation strategy.

  • CCS technologies (Carbon Capture and Storage): CO2 sequestration permanently, it is locked in a suitable site for storage and inserted through storage or conservation
  • CCU technologies (Carbon Capture and Utilization): transformation of CO2 into organic materials and useful substances.

The capture of CO2 is therefore an important weapon in the fight against climate change, but the technologies are still too expensive. The CCUS solution represents a fertile ground, transforming a harmful waste into a resource therefore becomes the common goal.

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